Monday, January 08, 2007

The Faithfulness of God

I am amazed at God's never-ending love and faithfulness to us. He is beyond my comprehension. Joseph and I have safely made it to Hawaii and blessed my husband with a cool cloudy day to adjust back to the heat.
Before leaving Montrose, Joseph and I were unsure as to our finances for this time in Hawaii but decided to trust God to provide and man oh man did he ever. The day before we left Montrose, we received a check for $3,000 dollars, which was from a variety of people, as well as our church, desiring to bless us for this trip. It exceeded our expectations and was a huge blessing in every way. Thanks to those generous individuals, we are able to pay our flight tickets as well as the required insurance and all of Joseph's tuition. This is a huge blessing to us as we will not have to worry over money. We are still trusting God to provide the amount to cover my college tuition which I am doing online but are confident that He will, as He always does.
Thank you so much for all of your prayers during this time and for the prayers during our traveling.
Traveling here to Hawaii was long but after 15 hours and a few mishaps, we made it safe and I am sure we will catch up on our sleep during the weekend. Joseph has already had his first day of class and already has a load of homework due. Please continue to pray for Joseph, that he will have enough grace and strength to learn all that is before him.
From the beautiful state of Hawaii, we send all of our love and thanks to all of you and May God bless you during this New Year.

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